The successful project co-organized by the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic & us,, took place in 365.labb in Banská Bystrica on May 10th and 11th. The hackathon, titled Digital and Efficient Paperless Office, featured 10 competing teams who spent 36 hours exploring ways to use digital innovation to relieve office employees from unnecessary paperwork. The winning teams were awarded a total of €6,000. The hackathon, funded by the Slovak Recovery and Resilience Plan, aimed to design an innovative system to streamline the creation, management, and tracking of document lifecycles while respecting processes and laws in the regional government.

Student teams stand at the forefront once again
The victory, which included a prize of €3,000 and the newly introduced audience award, was claimed by a group of students called “Lwíčkovci”. They presented a code-ready solution that uses modern technologies with added artificial intelligence to ensure the best user experience. The solution includes an application for processing and organizing documents, eliminating an excessive number of emails, and simplifying the creation of contracts and normative acts using templates. “We are happy about the win, but we have to admit that the process was not easy at all. During the 36 hours of hacking, we went through various stages and disagreements, but we are glad we didn’t give up and eventually came up with a solution that was appreciated by the jury and the audience. The competition was strong, making the feeling of winning first place even better,” said team captain Adam Tížik. “It’s interesting to observe how the project evolves, since every time it’s a bit different and the experience keeps improving,” added team member Matej Kuka.

The team “Qubrio“ took second place, marking their second time winning a top spot in the project. Their solution involved presenting a DMS system based on a specialized low-code approach. This system can simplify the document management process and, thanks to AI, assists in finding templates. The system also includes process and numerical analytics. “Even though this is our second hackathon, it was a completely different experience. The process was demanding and the competition strong. It makes you realize you have to work hard to match the quality of the teams. However, the win motivates us to bring the know-how we gained in Ukraine to Slovakia. We appreciate the trust Slovaks place in us,” said Roman Vavryk, team captain.

The third place was taken by the team “Autisti,” composed of three high school students. At the hackathon, they prepared a software proposal that can reliably and quickly guide users to the information they are looking for through internal document analysis. A bonus feature is the acceleration of the contract approval process based on an innovative method of distributing them among different departments. “This is my fifth hackathon and definitely the best one. We put together a great team, where each of us represents a different field: tech, business, and design. We want to participate in more hackathons with this lineup and win thanks to the combination of our skills,” said the 16-year-old team captain, Sofia Ercsényiová.

We look forward to seeing you again in June!
Siedmym hackathonom sa však projekt ešte ani zďaleka nekončí. Plánovaných je ešte ďalších 10 hackathonov, pričom ten najbližší zavíta do Banskej Bystrice. Už 10. až 11. mája budú tímy hľadať spôsob, akým dokážu digitalizovať prácu úradov v Banskobystrickom samosprávnom kraji.
The ninth in a series of eighteen hackathons will take place again, this time in Bratislava in June. The theme “Model Templates for Tender Documents and General Terms and Conditions,” owned by the Public Procurement Office, will be held on June 21-22. The teams’ task will be to find a digital solution focused on the automated search for model tender documents and general terms and conditions. For more information, follow the project’s website