Corporate innovations

We help companies integrate innovation into their daily processes. Thanks to more than 10 years of experience in the organization of various forms of events, we design and implement innovative tailor-made events.

Our goals

We provide business consulting in innovation and employer branding. We organize events for our clients with the aim of bringing innovation to their companies and thereby improving their competitiveness on the market. We specialize in hackathons, ideathons, business-speed dating, lectures and events for students.

Innovation hackathons

A hackathon is an event that brings together professionals, students, or creative individuals with experience in various fields such as information technology, innovation, business management, product design and development, graphic design, and more. They come together to collaboratively design a solution to a given challenge.


Our offer includes complete event organization, scouting of participating teams, visual preparation, website development, marketing and PR for the event, venue arrangements, catering, the presence of an event manager, photography, video recording, and possibly live streaming of the event.





B2B Partnership

B2B Partnerships

Support of our Student Activities​

Support of our Student Activities​​

Innovate with us

Čo o nás hovoria naši členovia

Pozitívne ohlasy od členov našej startupovej komunity sú dôvodom, prečo nás stále viac baví rozvíjať naše aktivity.

Our activities

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